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Due to this theme being capable of 6-8 months of content, Ive created a list of some "elemental animals". I know there are plenty of bad ass ideas out there but this is the list.

The top 2 will be chosen and I may pick one more, either 3rd place or the one I like the most. There are a lot more things to create for this month so animals cant be the focus...as much as I want to do a full month of these things!

I realize many of you probably wont stick to two votes but I ask to to please keep this poll as accurate to what you all want as possible. If you spam vote and put too many, this poll wont end up with what the majority wants.



Poison/grass toad- number one on the pokedex number one in our hearts 💕


Stone hound doesn't sound remarkable at first pass, but would make an amazing animal companion for an earth genasi (or any) ranger.