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EDIT April 13: I had a major brain fart! I never hit send for the invite. Everyone should be getting them now though. 

Title says it all! You can either grab the support files from my drive or dropbox links OR download them from MyMinifactory, whenever you want. 

UPDATE: There were updates made to the Seduced Kukulcan this afternoon. If you downloaded the MMF files last night, youll want to do it again.



Has MMF changed their process? It used to be that MMF distribution had to be after the month because that's when the complete patron list is finalized.


Got it now! Thanks!


I send out invites at the beginning and end of the month. This way the bandwidth gets cut down on drive and dropbox on my privte accounts. Doing it at the end of the month to make sure I get all new members on the list as well. MMF hasn't really changed anything on their end, I THINK


Oh, I see, you're just doing it yourself. I thought maybe MMF added support for dynamically managed lists... That would be cool.


They are doing a lot, aside from making the site run super smooth of course ;) Yeah though, I go in and copy all the emails from the excel I download from patreon. Its pretty easy but Im prone to missing things and forgetting people so mistakes can happen!

Shawn Hakl

I am not seeing a super smooth site ... I get continous errors over the last 2 weeks ... Is that just me or is everyone getting "MMF is not available at the moment" when you try to download or even just search?