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EDIT: Im getting a lot of comments about magnets, so Ill address that. This is my first sculpt with variations like this. I personally had no knowledge of the use of magnets, if there were standard sizes and what I needed to do for that. In other words, Ill need to forgo doing that for these. I cant allow anymore time for this character. Moving forward though, it will be something I do. 

When you go to add a magnet to this though, the body has the holes, so hopefully placing the magnet in there wont be too hard to do, depending on the size of the magnet. The heads however, have the pegs. They arent that big so filing them down should be pretty quick for you.

Iam sorry I didnt have this knowledge before hand but creating the cut off heads was literally a last second decision because I thought it was cool. Originaly it was only going to be the normal heads.




Could you make one that grew back 2 heads? Learnean hydra ish...


Like the scuplt.