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Just wanted to let everyone know, this week Ill be setting up everything on Sync. I've had numerous people have issues with drive and seeing the files or only getting partial downloaded. Let me know if youve had issues with drive as well.

EDIT: So I steered away from sync because I kept looking at the incorrect site...UGH. Anyways, yes, Im going to do Sync for sure. 

UPDATE: It seems like drive has been an issue for a lot of you guys. Never hesitate to message me. I definitely would have transitioned to sync, much sooner, if I had known about all these problems!



Actually drive has been easy for me to deal with, you just chose "Add to my drive" and then sync it to your PC...works very well


I just became a patron and Drive is giving me a giant headache since I've been trying to download everything. having missing files, or just folders that say there are no files.