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 LINK TO PIC: https://i.imgur.com/U2rRNkb.jpg 

Vote on two of these and I will be using them as my main inspiration for this months dragons. Due to how elaborate most of these are, I will most likely only do a single pose for each. I will be adding an accessory piece or a nice elaborate base for them. Feel free to suggest a pose for them .I wont start the first until the second week of Feb. Ill be doing oracles to start the month. 

LINK TO PIC: https://i.imgur.com/U2rRNkb.jpg



Oh wow 3 just jumps right out at me. And 1 looks great as well. Thankfully, as of my entry, those are the two in the lead... Not that the rest are bad, but those two are very dynamic.

Sam Barrie

definitely looking forward to not-deathwing!!!