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-Pose 1:  7"(175mm) tall, 11.5"(287mm) wingspan, 7.5"(187mm) long ((75% of default print files).

-Pose 2:  8"(200mm) tall, 18"(450mm) wingspan, 7"(175mm) long ((60% of default print files).




That's why I hollow most of the bigger prints. Stopped hollowing the mini's though. Gave more problems than it was worth it (saved only about 5 ml per print). And for combining the two models I'll just print both first part of the wings to see how I can match it. If it's not doable I'l just have to make both models. 🤣

Sam Barrie

When you put your flying dragon together how did you affix the wings? Epoxy resin? Super glue? Only asking because I noticed on the body of the *good boy* I'm currently building that there isn't particularly much contact area, which does worry me, although like I said in my DM, I'm impressed with how you've keyed the rest of this model, the body and limbs are amazing


I did a little filing in the holes where they connect, just to add texture and some rigid areas for the super glue to fasten too much quicker. After 20 seconds they were in place and held. I did one at a time and set him down on my desk, while one side fully dried. Then, did the same on the other size. The key areas for where the wings attach are very cramped. Youll want to do a litting filing or whatever it is you would do to remove a bit, to make them fit a little bit better. Let me know if that made any sense. Sometimes, Im bad at articulating my thoughts


in hind sight, the keys should have been deeper for these massive wings. ONce the glue fully dries though, the wings are good to go. I tested it by shaking the mini quite a bit.