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Hey guys and gals, before you go and start printing the latest dragon, I want to inform you that I will be enlarging the very bottom piece on both poses. Both me and  Rick Curvey(member) found that the bases are slightly too narrow. I was able to keep both up but BARELY. Rick wasnt able to keep one up. After this weeks Half Dragon assets are finished, I will immediately make the changes needed and send everyone, in a group message and post, the new files. I apologize for the inconvenience.




So is the only part to be altered the base (the dragon itself will not be changed)? I want to get these dragons printed soon since they look amazing!


I love these prints so much... a suggestion for the files. Naming them a bit more.. specifically, would be super helpful "Dragon 4" etc is harder to organise when you have so many files. At the very least "December Dragon 1" etc would be helpful so we know exactly which ones we have and are perhaps missing :D


there is a ton to be desired in my folder set up. I plan on slowly organizing it. You arent the first say something.