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Now, I dont consider myself a support expert but here is a link to my chitubox files. Even if you cant use chitubox for your slicer software, you can at least install it and check out my placements and how I angled my meshes. The ONE piece I wasnt happy with, was pose 2s head placement. Too many thin supports to cut from the teeth. Also, Im big on the thought process "Id rather have too many supports then not enough". I can cut supports all day but I do not want to reprint another file that takes 5-12 hours. Also, I still have the wings to print but so far, everything has come out fine. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1YrvzqtsNIktmnJ5NBlcrXx5qFg4ED2Js



Are they hollow?


This is a super rad model, great work! I was scoping out your file for Pose 1 - Wing Left, and noticed the model just pokes out of bounds on my Anycubic Photon with your support set up. Not really a problem with a bit of re positioning, just thought I'd mention it. I believe the Photon and the Epax X1 share roughly the same print space, did that file fit for you?


I think I had about 10mm space to spare, at the top. I had to pull the resin vat out to get the wings out of the printer, it was that close.