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Hey there friends~

I'm going to be pausing the Patreon for the next 2-3 months (May & June & July), due to my hand pain getting worse these past few weeks. I was told by my doctor that I need to take an actual complete break for it to get better so thats what I'm gonna try and do.

5 minutes or less is all it takes for my hand to flare up in pain and numbness so it's been pretty frustrating to do pretty much anything like using a fork, typing even simply holding a mug.

I'm kinda anxious about actually taking such a long break from working on art since its my only source of income so I'm gonna leave my Ko-Fi link here if anyone feels generous to help support me while I'm healing ;w;


Thanks 💙



Hope you have a steady recovery dude take the time ya need!


Totally take what's needed in your recovery! Since this your main work is drawing, it can be similar problems to artists that work on animation. Having wrist and hand exercises as well as self care is important. Also I'd still donate the same amount on your ko-fi till May! You've inspired me to make sticker designs lately so I hope this helps as you get better soon 🧡✨️


I super appreciate it and good luck with your stickers!! That’s super cool to hear ;u; 💙💙