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Happy Holidays! I was a bit behind last month fulfilling the requests last month and I still have one held over in the works, so this month I'm going to take it easy and pick two of your requests to paint in grayscale.

Basic rules:

  • Let's Keep It Simple. Single subject/animal in a basic setting. Please no crowds of people or complex situations involving a lot of backstory.
  • No OC's, known people like celebrities or copyrighted characters please.

Repeat your ideas from last month if I didn't get to it. Please click that little <3 under other's requests you like too, as that helps me choose. Thank you :)



How about a woman turning into a bird with a frustrated look on her face as she's trying to text someone on her smartphone, but as her arms are already mostly wings, she's trying to do the typing with her increasingly more and more talon-like feet.


I'd like to propose a werecreature waking up in a zoo enclosure.