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Hello! I will pick three of your requests from the comments section to paint in grayscale.

Basic rules:

  • Let's Keep It Simple. Single subject/animal in a basic setting. Please no crowds of people or complex situations involving a lot of backstory.
  • No OC's, known people like celebrities or copyrighted characters please.

Repeat your ideas from last month if I didn't get to it. Click that little <3 under other's requests you like too, as that helps me choose.


Mr Nibz

Weretiger frantically driving home before her hands completely change to paws.


A long line of footprints in the sand or snow, becomming less and less human and more and more bestial (perhaps dinosaur like?), with bits of torn clothing strewn around them.


Third times the charm, a hiker starts to transform into a werewolf as she is running from the attacking wolf. She'd have a bite mark on her leg or arm as well as scratches and torn clothing. It would be really cool if the early transformation focused on the wounded areas.

Alec Whitacre

I've always liked the idea of a Bride looking in shock as she begins to transform in the dressing room or at the front. Be it Vulpine or Werewolf, the fur peaking through tears in the dress, dainty slim feet to beastial paws, slim built to thick calves.

Rey Fox

Vixen from February!


A woman sitting at her desk, an open pill container nearby. Pill container says "snake r us" or something hilarious. She already has a large snake tail with only the remnants of the outline of her legs visible. You can see the scales finishing their climb up her waist with the last bit still unfinished. Maybe some scales on the face too? Long tongue and long canine fangs in a HAPPY smile. Throw some snake eyes and scales on the face too maybe haha. Wearing a top but no pants... or maybe no top too based on the discord chats lol


A weretiger waking up in a zoo enclosure


a woman bitten by a spider in her home, goes up to her room as she's getting all sweaty. But she's not getting superpowers, she's just turning into a spider herself


A woman most of the way through turning into an alpaca after one spits in her face at the zoo


A man turning into a horse inside, turning too big to escape through the door.


A young woman in college transforming into an old English sheepdog during a test. Her nose has already turned black, her ears have grown out, and her black hair is mixed with shaggy white fur which is already starting to grow all over, all the while she is frantically trying to finish writing her test before she fully transforms and her hands become paws.


a girl on her back turning into a small black housecat. back legs kicking out with her tail thrashing and a pushing snout with whiskers. maybe reaching out towards the camera or above her trying to reach for a phone to call for help :3