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Happy February! Let's art! I will pick three ideas to paint in grayscale.

Basic rules:

  • Keep it simple. Single subject/animal in a simple background. Please no crowds of people or complex situations involving a lot of backstory.
  • No OC's or copyrighted characters please.

Please Copy/paste your ideas from last time if I didn't get to it. There were a lot a good ones last month...Please click that little <3 under other's requests you like too, as that helps me choose. Can't wait to see what you have for me!



camgirl that has the ability to shapeshift on command so that she can set cam room transformation stripping goals, she loves becoming a cat, so this shot will be her in mid shift


Something romantic, like two werewolves doing a lady and the tramp be it noodles or guts.


A woman changing into a dolphin while taking a romantic bath. Up to you if she enjoys it or not. &lt;3


A rhinocerod transformation! You have full artistic liberty!


A woman in a bar transformed into a donkey while emerging from a major hangover, maybe transformed to the point where only her head is relatively human while she's transformed up to her neck, long ears optional. She's still busy licking up spilled booze when she realizes what's happening to her.


Woman stuck in a snow storm becoming a Samoyed

Nordic Nomad

Repost from January: A first time transformation into a siren. Maybe scratching at her neck in terror as gills appear and her legs are morphing together into her tail with some slight breast expansion.


An adventurer woman turning into a werewolf beside her companion wolf. Her cloak, and her bag hanging on a tree branch, her companion licking her to comfort her as she changes. She smiles looking up at the moon, excited to run freely in the woods as she becomes more "feral"


Another random thought came to mind was a cowtaur at a milk machine as she does paper work on a clipboard while she's getting milked.


Cozy Bernie in coat and mittens


Woman growing large naga fangs, maybe with her face partially transformed. Pleasurable/excitement.


a woman turning into a hawk after jumping out of an airplane


Guy turning into an great horned owl after picking up a feather in the forest, looks more shocked than in pain.


A bewildered first time female werewolf desperately trying to shave as the change begins

Allison Verde

White Werewolf Wedding: An elegant woman changing in her white wedding dress. Body tearing through fabric as the moon rises...


A were tiger awakening in a zoo cage during transformation back.


A woman undergoing a wolf-man style transformation, maybe handcuffed to something to restrain her, a look of fear and rage on her rapidly changing face.


How about a rather out of proportion bottom heavy quadruped dragon? (Or dinosaur. Surprising request, I know!) The person changing would be contained in a (for their human size) giant test tube (filled with fluids if so desired), being experimented on, with their human mugshot visible on a monitor or paperwork nearby. Maybe a size comparison graph (0% - 100%) on a different monitor too!


A female jogger turning into a pig on a forest trail. Bad timing, as a wolf-like shape looms hungrily in the underbrush! But lest things seem too dark, perhaps there is an axe leaned up against a tree so that we can imagine a friendly woodsman in the vicinity who can (ahem) save her bacon.


On the set of a cheesy werewolf-themed movie. The main character is rehearsing the transformation scene while the rest of crew is away on a break. Plot twist: they're a real werewolf, and they're having the time of their life changing into the creature!


A fit woman in the gym standing in front of the mirror and changing into a horse. Maybe she took too much steroids ;-)


Orca brand dive suit living up to its name a bit to much, turning an unexpected diver to killer whale.


How about a werewolf woman wolfing out while driving a motorbike, doing her best to try controlling it with her more and more pawlike hands?


I really enjoy your work in creating muzzles. What do you think about a she-wolf being surprised by her face beginning to push out into a muzzle while she's doing her makeup?


I've got an idea of a Raptor TF! Simple bedroom scene, resting on her bed, legs up and feet outstretched! One partially changed, the other mostly changed. Big bulky legs, tail, scales washing up~ The wonders of being a WereRaptor when you actually ENJOY your curse and just... Sit back and enjoy watching it take over!


How about a soldier transforming into a werefox after taking a super soldier serum that goes terribly wrong.


Would love to see your take on an Elephant TF. A lady goes off track while touring a zoo and starts to transform after eating a (suspicious looking?) peanut she finds in an empty enclosure.


a shark lady muzzle tf would be cool

Philly Husky

A boy turning into a wasp/hornet . Mandible crawling out of his maw and his new pair of hands touching over himself ^^


How about a Jekyll-Hyde type story? Female protagonist standing in front of a mirror watching herself change into her more muscular, wilder, wicked alter ego with a mixture of fear and excitement on her face.


A fully transformed werewolf is shedding her winter coat. She brushes her arms while her significant other brushes her back.

Bradley The Blue Fox

Maybe try out something different like a Frog Transformation? A Girl not being apple to stand straight due to her legs growing and changing into frog legs?


Hardly an original idea, but always inspired from the change in "Cursed" we should have had. A woman having her first change into a monstrous and large Werewolf, whilst stuck in the confides of a tight toilet cubicle at work. The look of fear and pain obvious on her face...


A woman most of the way transformed into an elephant while inside a changing room...


A woman with the bottom half has already turned into a gorilla