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The final push! But this isn't the end...




Is it wrong that I hope it never really ends? Maybe she goes and finds a friend who wants to change with her? Or she just goes on a rampage changing everyone? :D


I've never been happier to see a Patreon notification. Thank you!




ya, I hope it just doesn't end with her being a wolf stuck in a house. I'm really interested to see it continue in someway. Not sure if Liminalbean feels the same way. :\

Cohasset Alicorn

This has been an excellent sequence. I think we all look forward to seeing if the next page shows her new full form.

Nathan Anderson

This sequence has been epic! I'm excited to see where it goes from here.


Can't wait for page 36




YES! Shewolf is realizing her final form :)


I am guessing her front teeth will change soon too


The lights are on but you have to wonder if she's still home.


Don't PUSH it with your talent there, boy. 😎😉




Love it. Real cool transformation. May I make two requests? 1) please make it a PDF Style comic so that it would be easier to enjoy and 2) would you please consider let us follow her life a bit more. She's a werewolf now but what will she do?


<3 <3 <3


I kinda agree with Nils Zeddies post, I would love to see the comic as a PDF file to enjoy her transformation in full without going back and forth to the beginning. I would love to see how her life changes now is finally reached her dream being a werewolf. See her thoughts on how it is compared to her reality, if she enjoys it as much as her first change, more about the magical item that gave her this beautiful gift, if she takes a mate...so many possibilities. Loved this comic and look forward to seeing more arts from you in the future ^^


It would make a good mini-novel, Ashley's life before and after. I'm no artist...but I can write when I have a mind to do so.


We've all been with this character (Ashley) for more than a year now. We're attached and love the love you have put into this, arguably your Magnum Opus. From the comments, it feels like we're all craving more of her, particularly to see how she evolves and grows. Here's an early New Years toast to you for an amazing work of art and hopefully much much more to come in 2021!


This is, without a doubt, the best sequence ever made for a werewolf transformation - let alone a female werewolf TF. I hope it's not done. Like others have said, I would love to see a mental shift as well. I also agree a PDF would be cool, but not vital. I can imagine you would want a break after pouring so much into this - it is well earned. Happy New Year and many, many thanks for this outstanding work.


May the worst part of 2021 be the end of this series. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!