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Let's do this! Give me your sketch ideas. Just keep in mind my guidelines so I can paint them up efficiently please. 

  • Keep it simple. Single subject/animal in a simple background. Please no crowds of people or complex situations involving a lot of backstory.
  • No OC's or copyrighted characters

Please copy/paste your idea if I didn't get to it in the past. I will try my best to get these done within the month of June. At the end of the month everyone in the Beanstalk tier will get to pick one of the sketches to be redone in full color.



This is a copy/paste from March: I wanna see Rebecca from The Neighing shortly after her epic change, struggling as a horse in her apartment or trying to escape wherever, clearly in a bit of a panic over her situation or trying to figure out how to call for help. Maybe making a bit of a mess of her home in her huge new body. :D


A woman into a bear


Or monkey


A girl in a bathroom stall mid change into a horse. Maybe both hands against the sides of the stall as her thickening thighs ride up her dress. One hoof pushed through a shoe and the other bulding against the fabric of her other shoe. Nose flarring and ears finished.


Werewolf! on! moon!


woman goes for a nightly walk and looks up at the strawberry full moon, and starts changing, her fur becoming red, and her saying jokingly "I don't want to be a strawberry!"


Not sure I've ever seen a dog from you, so how about a young business woman in a zoom meeting just starting to change into a dog, just a bust shot of her as she starts panting maybe?


Modified off of my previous March request: A male track runner in his fierce determination to win finds himself transforming into a greyhound as he is running an all-important race. His paw-like toes are revealed as he steps out of his running shoes while a growing tail wriggles free of his shorts. His body is pitched forward about to leap into a four-legged stance to ensure the win is his.


A princess turns into a unicorn and is dumbstruck with glee at the experience.


A female news reporter turning into a brontosaurus, mostly from the waist down, due to the outbreak of some mysterious biological weapon.


A female Cheerleader that forgot there's a full moon at the big game. So she turns into a werewolf for all to see


A girl with a werewolf costume that transforms into an actual werewolf?


Girl to Pig: A farmer girl kneels on the ground staring at her hand that has started growing into a hoof. Her face is already slightly disfigured. Her nose is wide and upturned and from her mouth are little tusks sticking out. Her clothes are growing short (or generally tight) on her inflating belly. One of her boots already slipped off and one can see that her feet are mostly hoof-like. In her butt (with a little bump that hints a tail) sticks a blow dart.


For me it would be important that the head of the transformin person is unchanged


Woman to Fish monster: A woman going swimming in a bay at night, mutating into a creature from the black lagoon/shape of water style fish person.


Werewolf getting her nails done in a foot spa


Trying again: How about your Lycanphiliac character in the process of changing in front of a mirror, touching herself, clearly excited by what’s happening?


Pretty sure we're about to see just that on the next page/s


I honestly love your mermaid and centaur pictures even without transformation. I don’t know how one can make a centaur transformation without it being all weird though lol. Personally if I could be indulgent, I’d love a image of sisters transforming into mermaids together. Something like the sisters finally knew their mysterious family secret and after being instructed to stay at the beach on their birthday. While playing in the water, they suddenly both found themselves floating with gills on their sides as they watched their legs meld together into mermaid tails. One had had the shiniest green scales forming over her legs and body while the other found herself being covered by red shimmering red scales. Later they were joined by their parents and older sister to explore the nearby coves and waters. They were finally able to understand why they never went on any land trips in the past. If you like this idea, I can work on the story a bit more. ;)


How about a fox tf with a lone gal of any type beckoned into the wild, perhaps led into a unnaturally nature path, unable to resist the unyielding allure of her vulpine instincts and lithe body surfacing. Simple...yai?


I second a fox girl tf, I think it would look very cool in your style :)


Asian Indian college student becomes a goat as a punishment for disobeying her parents and sneaking out to spend time with her boyfriend.


How about a swordswoman unleashing her inner beast (werewolf) for a particularly intense fight?


A brown skinned woman slowly turning into a horse and then going for a run


Woman Gorilla feet tf


I'm sorry, this one would be just too complex for me to draw all in one image.


Just joined... So, these sketch requests are just posted in here then? Okay then, here's mine: A werebat woman, in the process of changing back to her human form at sunrise, hanging upside down from a tree branch and looking a bit panicked as she realises her wings have grown too small to fly and her feet will soon no longer be able to hold on to the branch.