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Finally this one goes out to Wuschel who requested:

I always had this idea of a werewolf girl driving her car at a full moon night when she starts changing. The space in her shoes gets incredibly tight as her feet start to change into long paws, busting open front of her shoes in the process, showing off her long feet which causes her to drive even faster because she can't take off her large foot off the pedal. :D

It's a fantastic and fun idea, problem is, how do I fit that concept into one singular sketch? So I made a little comic page. Honestly, since so many fellow Patrons <3'd the idea I thought I might as well try. So from now on please feel free to click that little heart under a sketch request idea and I'll likely draw the ones with the most likes.

Lycanphiliac will continue soon!




I love it &lt;3 Paws are so good. Well done ;)


I love this, shoeburst is my absolute favorite. Fantastic work as always.


Oh wow I had no idea you would do my idea. And even in such a large display as a comic style page even! That's so amazing! You are amazing! &lt;3


Don't werewolf and drive. Maybe she consider should driving an SUV - more space to shift. :)


"Do you know why I st-"