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It's time for me to take monthly sketch requests! Just like last time I will pick 3 sketch ideas from your comments below. If yours didn't get picked last time feel free to repeat it. Like last time here are a few guidelines:

  • Keep it simple. Complex setting and backgrounds takes time.
  • No OC's and copyrighted characters please
  • One subject at a time

*Please note: due to the amount of work it takes me to do my main comic I may have to scale back the complexity of the sketches. That means they'll be sketchier and gray scale instead of color.

Requests for February close on the 20th. I look forward to hear your ideas!


Alec Whitacre

A female cardio enthusiast Wolfing out and getting her paws stuck on the pedals of the bike machines


A bit of a different subject than usual. A woman going swimming in a bay at night, mutating into a creature from the black lagoon/shape of water style fish person.


I've had this idea for a while...a bit of context: all the zoos, parks and aquariums no longer hold animals, but only humans who volunteer to temporarily transform into animals for their day job. For the sketch, I think it would be cool to see one of these volunteers inside his large pool, already partially changed into a Great White shark. Thanks for the opportunity :D


a fit woman kicking a punching bag and is in mid shift, getting more muscles, fur and wolfish, and her clothes tearing off her


I'd love to see another big dragon from you! How about ... a woman falling victim to the effects of an incorrectly casted dragon summoning spell?


Sent these separately, but going to put out there for the rest of the community as there are certainly more creative minds than mine:


1) A reverse werewolf transformation! (We don't see many of those.) The female subject is staring at herself in with a mix of surprise, horror, and excitement as she is changing back to human form from anthro.


2) What if the Eddie Quist character from The Howling was female? The female serial killer is depicted transforming, a look of wicked excitement on her face.


3) Full Moon Fascination 2 - how about our heroine from your Full Moon Fascination story goes back for another night in front of the mirror? Maybe a little more full frontal nudity this time?

Drek the Bat

Would love to see a female primate / monkey TF from you :) 🐒


I said it before, will say it again. Donkeys


A blonde girl who just woke up feeling ill, looking in the mirror seeing she has fangs


Something different, but would love to see you take on a woman to cow transformation.

Not Here

A girl has a very punk-rock in-your-face aesthetic, and disdains anything that is traditionally feminine and girly...which becomes a problem when, during a particularly unusual full moon, she starts becoming the girliest thing of all--a unicorn.


A girl who has taken off all her clothes and panicking at the sight of a full grown donkey tail and hair on her person, with her hands and feet already turned to hooves. And her ears become longer and hang limply. Gotta show more donkeys and tail action going on lol.


I would like to see a naked witch transforming into a raven. Her teeth transforms into the beak while her lips are stretching, feathers are also growing all over her body. I’d love to see this horrifically beautiful metamorphosis.


I think mountain lions are really interesting TF subjects, and I'd love to see what you'd do for someone who's about 50% shifted into one. Emphasis on the hands/feet -> paws because they're so large in proportion to their body


I always had this idea of a werewolf girl driving her car at a full moon night when she starts changing. The space in her shoes gets incredibly tight as her feet start to change into long paws, busting open front of her shoes in the process, showing off her long feet which causes her to drive even faster because she can't take off her large foot off the pedal. :D


A female runner prepares for a sprint. Is about to transform into a cheetah anthro. A pose like this: https://image.shutterstock.com/image-photo/image-450w-329126411.jpg


Female face, Lon Chaney Jr. style wolfman, mid -transformation. Maybe as a daydream with our current heroine/lycanphile? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TohRYN55K74


Lycantrophy 101: A female teacher, with glasess, writing the line with chalk on the blackboard, looking toward the watcher as she starts to change with a gleeful face. It would bu funnier if the last "1" should looks scratched like in the Howling poster as a sort of III


Werewolf tag. You're it! :D


Lady getting toes done turns into a monkey with the prehensile feet


Werewolf in the style of the wolfman with the small muzzle

Rose Crowley

A cyberpunk / future dystopia style girl turning into a werewolf. I'm picturing some kind of skin tight sci-fi bodysuit with strips of LED lights in it in it. Or something along those lines.


Would love to see a nicely detailed chicken tf! The scene could involve a businesswoman giving a presentation on company productivity and she begins changing in front of the executives. Her mini skirt has torn off and blouse and jacket popped open as she is in mid-squat laying an egg, ass half-turned towards the boardroom. Her entire lower half is swollen, meaty, and that of a chicken while a plumage of feathers have erupted from her chest and arms. A look of shock, panic, and eyes agog in pain is on her face; her head still completely human.


A teen transform into an animal (a werewolf or a horse, you can choose :P) in a class in an university where the entire class can see her.