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TL DR: The last episode of HTA  is coming out this month!  and after episode 5, a new series will begin, Advanced HTA.

RELEASE DATE [HTA 5]: October 21,
Special file                      : October 28.

Two new releases this month!


"Pleasure Beyond Limits" is a gateway to undiscovered worlds of ecstasy, carrying you to the concluding stage before becoming a trainee-bunny.

All of the previous training is going to start to make sense. Combining multiple techniques including different triggers to create an experience you've never had before, a trance so profound it will send you to a new level of pleasure. beyond the boundaries of the mind.

It's critical that you've viewed all of the prior HTA files and completed the task of each one of them before continuing;

... that way, you'll be mentally prepared to experience the delights of entering a REAL hypnotic trance.

The next five files from ADVANCED HTA, will allow you to finally become a full-fledged bunny. Ready to enter a trance with a snap of fingers and able to experience the most dense and profund trances and experience all the pleasure it can bring!

Just remember to have fun!;

See you soon, little bunnies.


An Special file is also under way this month, more information about it after HTA 5 is released!




<3 so excited <3