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Part of the daily positive series ~ enjoy a fast-paced, entrancing, loopable and powerful episode !

Liberate yourself into this fantasy of becoming a robot-like subject, ready to recieve commands and to free yourself from stress by allowing yourself to let go

Your mind being warped into different dimensions, locked into a paradox of the most entrancing and rewarding emotions.

As I said before in the previous post; To entrance yourself in a fantasy is the best way to clean your mind from imaginary restrictions that make you feel anxious or stressed 

And instead, replace them with revigorating, arousing and liberating thoughts!

Positive Drone



Positive Drone
HD [387.6 MB] Click >> here <<


Useful spoilers:

*This file is easily Loopable !*

Instructions to "finish" at the end: No
Strobe effects: VERY powerful and intense.
Length: 5 Minutes and 15 seconds.
Instructions: Submission, control-play, Strong hypnotic suggestions !

I recommend watching Hypnotherapy before watching this one ! Since it's extremely loopable, you can watch an induction episode before to enhance it's effects <3

As always, thank you for your wonderful support  !
With love, your Dreamy Bunny !




Yes OMG Yes!


this one was particularly amazing