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Hello there my obedient little bunnies ! ~
Sorry for the lack of updates recently, the episode that I was going to release last week got corrupted and I needed to remake it from scratch; So I will need more a couple of days to upload it !

I deeply apologize for the inconvenience <3


Soothing, Calming and Relaxing heartbeats.
A spiral of pleasure.
Pulsing hypnotic obedience...


<Dreamy plans for this month:>

06/09 -  Announcement [MORE CONTENT !!!]
09/09 - Heartbeats. [Dreamy Shorts] {may be uploaded sooner !}
20/09 - New video !
30/09 - New video !

As always, thank you for your amazing and lovely support, my bunnies <3
Any questions, feedback or just wanting to talk, feel free to message me over discord or through patreon ! <3

See you soon
- Your DreamyBunny <3



Kayin Sparkle Twilight Dreemurr

ooooo this sounds like its going to be exciting~! and oof at that, but no worries DreamyBunny! No rush, take your time~


You’re videos are so awesome! No worries about the wait, technical hiccups happen to everyone.