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TL DR: Information on HTA 7 and a possible new series called "Restart!"


HTA 7                                                                 March 23 or March 30
Restart!                                                                                        April 06
Dreamy Class - Episode II                                                         Soon!


ADVANCED HTA 7 - Deep Pleasure

Deep pleasure; unveiling bliss; In this series, you've learned many triggers,

And you felt a lot of pleasure in the process.

But you've yet to feel "deep pleasure."

One that is not only physical but psychological as well.
Union of the mind and the body~

Sounds fun doesnt it?
A pleasure that stretches indefinitely, like it's never going to end.
Different from an orgasm, it simply keeps stretching and has a strong sense of
Calmness and relaxation wash over you. 

It is a very important concept to learn, difficult to explain, but beautiful to feel.

A step closer for you to finish this journey into the basics of hypnosis!

I highly recommend refreshing the previous HTA files, since a lot of things you've previously learned will be used in this file!

I know I usually upload a file every 3rd week of the month, but this file is becoming one of my longest files so far. So you can expect a very long trance—one that you will not forget.



A (possibly) brand new Series!

I know a lot of bunnies that love my work because I do harmless, understanding, and gentle hypnosis, and that was always the goal from the start!

I always wanted to prove that hypno is not something you force into someone or a something used to make someone feel bad or guilty, but a tool to expand not only your mind but the pleasure you feel.

Also, it's true that most bunnies had some triggers or experiences that had been "installed" without their consent or even knowledge;

And that's why I want to make this episode (that can turn into a series if enough bunnies want to) that will implement barriers to avoid harmful hypnosis and try to remove any previously installed triggers. So you can enjoy a new experience without getting confused in the process!

It's not easy and a very long process, but it is possible~ and it's quite fun too!

Starting a new journey is always a good thing, and you may even discover something new about yourself in the process!

This is something that was always very requested so I thought it would be a fun experience to try out! let me know what you think about it.


As always, thanks for your lovely support, this project wouldn't be possible without your help.

 ~ With love, your Dreamy Bunny!




Sounds lovely! And yes, a series focused on safety would be really appreciated. There is some safety content like this around but most of it is pretty generic, mostly just trigger removal. A series that introduces some boundaries and would focus on strengthening subject agency could prevent some negative experiences entirely before they happen, not focus on fixing the damage that has already been done like simple trigger removal files. And I'm confident you can make them a fun experience, alongside just the safety utility. Thank you for your work!

Robert Veigel

Regardless what you through at us, I and those who enjoy your content in what ever you upload. 🥰


can’t wait ❤️


Oh how I would love u to combine *obey* with *a succubus changed my mind* pls pls pls :😜