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So your new dorm roomate has been a pain in the ass this semester. He stays up late every night yelling at his online Vampire the Masquerade party, he keeps making weird scribbles on the floor, and he eats your takeout leftovers when you happen to bring some.

But the thing is that he's kinda cute, so you won't get too mad his antics, and even go through the effot of striking conversations every now and then. He keeps going on about the elder gods and how they will bring with them the next era of this world. Maybe he's talking about his role playing games? maybe it's a videogame? It's kinda trivial to you but you really like to see his face of excitement every time the topic comes up. You have a crush on the goth kid in campus.

That is until a loud bang wakes you up at 3:33am and the intense red light coming from the livingroom almost blinds you as you walk out, only to reveal a bunch of tentacles popping out of the floor and your roomate ...being fucked in the air? You're not super sure of what's happening, but maybe you should stay in your room and keep peeking trough the door gap.



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