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Hello everyone!

During the past few months I've been handling a couple of situations and changes in my life that have kept me constantly away from drawing and sharing stuff on the internet. 

I think I'm now at a point where I can go back to drawing with consistency to some extent, so I'm thinking about resuming my activities on Patreon in the next few weeks, although I think I'll just upload sketches and will be doing a couple streams on discord here and there? Maybe? Dang, I haven't decided just yet. 

Either way, I'm eager to come back again, even if it is just a fraction of what I used to do. I guess I still need to sort out the logistics of everything xD

There are also a couple of announcements I wanna make in the near future, so I'm looking forward to that as well <3

Thank you everyone for your patience and understanding. Can't wait to hear from you all :)



That’s some amazing news!! I hope all the life stuff that has been weighing you down will become easier to deal with, I’m so excited to see some new art from you :)


Thanks so much! I hope to be delivering some hefty love in the upcoming future huhu &lt;3