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"I rarely get to see him like this. Mati beats the alarm clock every time, and instead of letting it wake me up, his kisses and a cup of coffee is what greets me in the mornings. He's such a big scaly ball of cheerfulness during the day that is hard to belive he can run out of battery at all.

But knowing his difficulties conciling sleep after what he's been though, I appreciate precious little moments like this so much more, where I can see Mati's peaceful expression like this...

Maybe I should try and make breakfast for him again, Hopefully the smoke detector won't ruin the surprise this time."

Hello everybody!

I hope you're having a nice start of the year so far! I'll kick thing for 2021 with little romantic scenes of Mati and Dani, and then we'll pick up the kinky pace along the weeks ;D

I'm very into the tenderness that I can portray with these two, Hope you guys also like it becaus eI wanna keep developing them throughout the year :3




AHHHH ❤️So tender and precious!

Chunky Beau

I love this. The lighting is so soft and the mood is so mellow and sweet. Great job 💖

Winfrey Reed

This is so extremely cute Mango!!