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After the disappearance of the druid, the cleric and the ranger during the passage of a storm that made the adventurers take cover on a nearby cave, Lorien, the leader of the group, set himself to finding them, diving deep into the cave to look for his lost comrades as the rest of the group went ahead towards the next town and meet up later.
After hours of dwelling in the dark depths looking for clues, he found a passage that lead to an area he never seen before. The air felt heavy, almost unbreathable, but right before the hefty elf decided to go back, A faint laughter was caught by his ear. It was the very voice of Barent, the outstandingly precise ranger and friend that had gone missing! "why is he laughing? they must have got lost and with so little air to breathe here, they're in danger!"
As he quickly approached to the voice, a particularly sweet smell grew stronger and stronger. "Barent!" the exhausted elf yelled into the darkness, hoping for an answer while wielding his short sword. A calm voice echoed through the chamber, this time sounded like Jovik, the cleric that joined them a few towns behind during their quest. "Ah, Lorien! we were waiting for you. Come, join us~"
Something in his mind told him something was wrong, but at the same time, he couldn't feel any fear, or threats anywhere near. Suddenly Lorien felt safe in the dark, humid pit at the bottom of this cave.
When he realized what was going on, it was too late. Tentacles coiling around his ankles and wrists retrained and lifted him from the ground. Escape was still within chance, until the weapons and pouches on his belt filled with all sorts of items were taken away from him. A dim blue light emanated from the wet floor and filled the room. With it, three lumps of dark, slippery mass started taking shape in front of him. These blobs looked like creatures covered in tar, and quickly approached him.
"At last Lorien, it took you long to find us, but finally, you are here." Said one of the figures, holding the voice of Jovik. How could this be? do they mimic their victims voice like a parrot would?.
Suddenly all came into place for him. the sweet scent, the sudden loss of self preservation and the coiling tentacles! it's a Flogg! This is bad! It's said that the victims are slowly devoured by the back mass. Lorien started struggling, trying to escape his captor. "Friends! you need to awake from this spell that's been casted upon you! We need to fight back and defeat this beast!". Little did he know that These three had given themselves up voluntarily, after falling upon the enchantment of this parasitic entity.
"Awake? but dear Lorien, waking is what this creature has done for us. We clearly see now that this is what we're meant to be..." said one of the voices "It's truly amazing, riveting! Things I never thought I'd feel, I'm feeling them now, dear Lorien. It's a true connection with the elements!" said a third voice, this one belonged to Nazaru, the druid the accompanied them.
"And now you'll get the privilege of becoming one of us, and rejoice in this new existence. Together we'll spread this feeling across the land and soon every living creature will become one with us."
With a single touch, the three dark masses that used to be his partners caressed his body softly, impregnating is with a coat of that dark slime covering their bodies, slowly dissolving his clothing not long after, leaving him naked and vulnerable to anything. And then, this strange feeling of comfort came back to him, and although aware of what was the cause of this sudden shift, there was little he could do to prevent it from happening. only his strong determined mind could prevent him from falling under the spell of this foul creature.
What felt like days have passed, and Lorien's body can barely resist what the creature is doing to bring him to an ideal state of ecstasy, to finally invae his body and take him as another host. Terror filled Lorien's eyes as he slowly realized there was no way to escape from this, he was doomed. No matter how long he fought for, eventually his willpower would give in and then the creature would take over.
The idea of meeting the same destiny of his comrades while attempting to save them as something heroic and worthy of a party leader was the last of his derailing thoughts, as he finally gave in to the intensely pleasuring 'process' of becoming one of them and finally joining their pack as one of them.

Alright, here's last week's fantasy themed picture I couldn't finish on time. the good thing about it tho, is that Iget enough time to render it a litle more and throw some extra things along with it ;Dc

Hope you guys like it!



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