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I imagine most of you know who's behind the definitive modern SRP reskin. (It's me in case there was any confusion). The current status of the skin is messy and complicated. There are several versions floating around, no official SRP 0.9.1 support and some confusion about 0.9.2 PTB2 and 0.9.3 PTB1 differences. And that's on me. Updates weren't done via proper release channels and the packaging and naming has been sort of iffy at best. Moving forward I'll do better. So, what does moving forward even mean?

Well for starters, I did some self-education on CSP lights, and managed to get most of the street lights to cast dynamic shadows as you drive by. Potential downside is a massive performance cost. So as testing progresses, we'll see if keeping them all on is viable or not (tbh it's looking promising). Beyond this fairly simple config change, texture work has been done to tunnels, walls and barriers, bringing them to a more believable state. For instance most box rails on shuto are actually painted white, there should be some grime and dirt on tiles and walls, and lights tend to cast light in a cone.


Beyond the texture work, a lot of effort has gone into tweaking and fixing issues with bounced light. Just as with dynamic shadows, this has the potential to be costly, so more testing is still needed. But in case you need a reminder how important bounced lighting is:
Left with bounced light, right without. Bounced light is crucial in faking radiosity and bringing ac up to modern standards.

Finally, and this is my favorite feature - night aware residents. In previous skin versions building window emissives were dimmed at night to sell the idea that people do sleep. But in the upcoming version, window lights will actually go out late at night!

there are also a few rainbow bridge related easter eggs ;)

I hope to have this ready and out soon and as standard it will be fully free for everyone.
Thank you guys so much for the support, patreon memberships do so much to help me make cool things in ac. I likely couldn't do this without you. So if you'd like to support this types of content and you can spare a few coins, I invite you to join.

Thank you again, and i'll have more info soon.




Holy sh..! This looks amazing, I can't wait to try it 🔥 Thanks


cant wait. thanks c

Almir Coralic

That's awesome amazing work! Keep it up!

John Gallagher †

haven't had the chance to try this out yet but can you change the asphalt to red where it's red irl? a lot of ramps and slow turns have red tarmac