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Hello there~
Thanks again for being mah patreon~
Thank you for support me another month and I'm glad to say that you can invest on my learning.

Sorry for the late update?
Tbh i was lazy and i didn't want to update here on patreon, since the most of you (thanks lord) are on discord right now, and if you wanna read my updates i already have a channel there JAJJA.
The thing is i noticed that i have a few new patreons and they're not on my discord server >:0 and i just wanted to say: JOIN US!!!!!

I think that's all, anyway now I'll proceed to tell my adventures during these two months: something that i already told you on discord but i think it's a gud training if i write it again.


Let's go back to the beggining, telling you what i fixed:

  • I have my payoneer card: My mail center lost my first card so i had to ask for another one: i paid this one to get a tracking code and after a week i finally got the card. It's a beautiful mastercard card, i can withdraw via ATM without extra fees; My bank charged me $80 per transaction, and this one just $5 or $10, i can't remember: in a few days i have to withdraw again. So well, you can read the difference. 
  • My economic life it's ok again, so i can start to save money for the future... or that was my idea, but i bought a new phone for mom and i dunno if now i wanna buy ram; bcs my country is on crisis, again: Now they open a CEPO, again, an I'll have problems bringing or taking dollars to the country: Thirdword problems JAJAJ or ño: Argentinian problems JAJAJA life sucks. All my relatives have problems right now and they'll have more from now on.
  • That's why since i said this is not a viable work for my future and i wanted to study another career at the same time; now everything it's different and if i wanna exist here I must keep earning dollars JAJAJ: that's why now more than evah i need to be focus on my content;;;;;;;; Anyway i'll take a time every week to study by my side something that i like;;;;;;;

So well, i think that's all: these two months were long. I felt tired and sad the most of the time: I started taking drugs: too much, i was over-drugged... with drugs called Overwatch and Oversleep JAJJAJA. Real talk, i played too much bcs i didn't wanted to do anything else and i just slept too much bcs i didn't wanted to stay awake.

But that's the past: Since i have my new card and everything it's fixed, now I can be focused again. I'm playing and sleeping less: I recovered my mornings... and afternoons. And since i finished my comic, I can focus on improve my skills~


I already finished my comic, omakes and the cover; i think the most of you know it (? This is in the MEGA-folder or discord;
And since I finished the comic, now i can start another one JAJJA; but with other format: that was my dream when i noticed that Sai is not enough to do tones. That is at the beggining to the project JAJJA. So well.

This month i can't promise to do certain things, bcs i noticed that it's more organic if i just take comms and suggestions in a waitlist and i'll do them little by little, so this month i already have in my waitlist a few things to do:

  • First of all, a few sketches of YCH, and i'll be doing more around the month bcs it's funny, cheap and fast~
  • Then i have a fullco Palutena comm to do: this will be another kind of fullco: I'll leave my complex way to paint for my own drawings, for example, the next Halloween Nunu or just practices;
  • I also have a Widomaker mini-comic comm to do: it'll be just sketch but i think it'll be greato: I'll use the same lineart as the omake of Neckhole Lovers so wait for it;;;;;
  • After that, i tink i'll sell more tokens this month, if someone wants to buy them~ i'll do a @token masters to call you~

I think that's all.
Oh! i forgot to say it but i just made a decision last day, i'll stop to write japanese onomatopoeias bcs the most of you can't read them AJJAJ so i'll start to do english things.
Another update is that i'll be lookin for a translator for my english texts on drawings. Bcs i noticed it take me too much time for just write a few sentences and in the end they're wrong JJAJA
I thought i was fine but when a patreon re-wrote the same that i said, it was a really big difference. So i'll be lookin for someone who wants to do it, but i just can pay via tokens since i dont' have paypal JAJJA

After that i think that's all: L-dud came back, his grandma wil kick him out of the house if he doesn't get a job or study, so I'll hire him to do flats and things;;;

So  well, for now my priorities are:
Commissions   ==> mini-comics

Changing the topic i copy paste again this message bcs i think various of you don't know:

I'm not sure if you know it, but i don't share sketches here, that's bcs i don't consider them something 'serious' . Or EJEM; bcs i don't want to be punished JAJJAJ, so the most of my content is on za Discord server;

And keep in mind that since latest four months i'm not sharing content here; Even more, i'll deleting my previous posts too maintain patreon just as a transaction page: the content will be on Discord and za MEGA-folder


My back hurts; and i'm cold, but i'm fine~ i'll continue with the updates~
These days i was using Blender and i think i'll watch tutorials to improve my rigging skills;;;;


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