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THANK YOU SO MUCH, again again again again:

Hey hey hey hey, hi hi hi hi~ again again again again too (?) Well, it's enough Rúru; next month i'll think something new (?)

Thanks a lot for being my patreons this month~ thanks for the old ones and the new ones~  I'm glad that you people invest in my improvement another month~

Last month it was a gud month~ I improve a lot and i drew 3 nsfw sketches, 5 sfw, 2 lineart commissions, one with tones, 2 fullcolor pics for momononatas, and a fullcolor futa commission; i think yep, it was a gud month~


I'm already in exhentai.org :'00000000 I mean, i have a tag :'0000 Thank you  TomBoss123 :'000000000 i think he's not my patreon but he uploaded my content there JAJJA; Pd, i love exhentai -cocoro- 

This month i learned how to use Designdoll, a program to set mannequins to make poses~ it was realllly useful; I know how to use it, but i know that i still have so many mistakes, so i'll be practicing to do it best~
But well, that's all; My month was fun like the previous one~ and i think it's bcs i drew a lot of poses; ahghgh i love you Designdoll~.

AND OH! again

Another thing that I would like to comment is that even though the people of the server are aware of my situation almost daily; I still have people who are not there, so I decided to publish more content here, so I'll be back with the polls, suggestions and a more comfortable system of work, that although if it is quite arbitrary, gives rise to that I feel more comfortable for how I distribute my work time.

These last two months I noticed that it is easier for me instead of setting monthly goals, to have smaller goals throughout the month, bcs if I don't achieve it in time, in the end I don't do it; as it has already happened JJAJAJAJA ayyyy.

Therefore I don't want to plan too much, but I'll continue with my current method:

Taking ideas from the waitlist, make poses on designdoll, or ask for feedback in discord.

Still, as I said, I'll go back to doing polls and experiment with more drawing formats like instant defeats, or character appreciations that I'll develop in discord~ so well:


So sorry again for those who liked me to make doujin pages, About the comic: I WANT TO CONTINUE IT, but this month I'll have to face the expense of the parties so I won't have time to continue it so I'll wait until January to be working more comfortably. And talking about the doujin, i'm saving money to buy a laptop to spent more time in my bed and write pron stories JAJAJA; bcs i spent all of my day sitting in front of this computer and my back hurts :'0

But wellll; i'll be taking commissions and drawing the remaining Momononata's fullco while I talk about new formats on the server~; but well, with nothing more to add this month i'll try to focus on:

  • One-Two fullcolor pics for two Momononatas (tier 4)
  • I need buy a laptop, pay for the holiday's food and save money for the electric service of January, so i'll take maybe two or three commissions  (If you're a momononata and you want a comm, send me a message or talk to me via discord,if none of them wants, I will open publicly~)   
  • A Christmas and a newyear Núnus bcs Núnu is love and Núnu is life;
  • AND CHAN CHAN CHAN, a stream~ the last stream of the year (? I'll plaining it on the discord server these days~

And welll~ like the previous month i'll be sharing as soon as i can wips and drawings in the discord server and the end of the month i'll share in public: i think it's a gud way to do it, so i'll continue it~ And like the previous month, i'll try to continue drawing sketches or doodles (i'm practicing anime-like faces: IT'S REALLY HARD :'0 )

My priorities now will be: Commissions ==> Sketches ==> Fullcos

AND OH! again again

Another important update is that I'll change a couple of rewards from my patreon; directly affecting the cocolinonos and a little bit to the momononatas.
Check it out if you're a cocolinono or a momononata.


Tenkiu again again -cocoroide-.
I'll draw more lolis JE JE JÉ



I appreciate all the updates and plans Ruru!