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Been a while since I've revisited this story--mostly because it's so ambitious. This is an epic sci-fi tale from the universe of Mass Effect, describing a lost era of the Asari species' history, and the imperiled heroine who tries to expose that era. 

Those who have been here a while know I haven't updated this one in a hot minute--but stay tuned. We're now on part 5 of 6, with 6 in production. For reader ease, I've compiled parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 into a single PDF. I'll do the same on the final post for the story.

Thanks to you all for being patient with my larger projects, like this one--I have to sit down and crunch through them a bit more carefully than OC pieces, especially when extensive wiki-diving is involved, as in the ME universe. I tend to tweak and update the story as I go, this version features a few minor retcons and typo fixes for clarity. And a few more eructophilia sound effects, because why not. 

Enjoy! Next part coming soon. 


Zaftig Industries

Aahahaha. I'm glad someone is still interested in more of this project, I do feel like I've taken a bit too long to finish it.


I don't suppose this will be done by end of March?

Zaftig Industries

Probably not, but I'm hoping to crank out the last chapter in early April. Currently focusing on my Avatar thing and some short pieces