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Hoo boy, this one's gonna be a doozy. In honor of the Mass Effect Remaster, I've decided to set a new story in the M.E. universe--in the distant past, during a hidden era of Asari history known as the "Age of Decadence."

Millennia ago, the Asari discovered the Citadel--a Prothean space station of unparalleled size and power. They settled on the Citadel, exploiting its ancient technology to make their species the unrivalled masters of space. But then a curious blank spot in their history arrives, a period of several centuries that seems oddly... empty.

Into this gap steps Shiza W'Lode, an Asari researcher determined to uncover the truth about the "lost centuries" of Asari culture. But her investigation takes her down a rabbit hole of secrets, lies and mistrust... and it might gain her the attention of an ancient enemy.

Join us as we explore a lost era of gluttony, deception and hedonism... the Asari Age of Decadence!


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