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Okay, I finished working on the issue with the $10 tier. Looks like some of the old settings on who could access what story didn't jive with the new tier being created. Ah, well. At least I've got it mostly resolved.

All stories through 2017 should be accessible for $10 patrons now. I deleted a few posts for clarity (most of my Googledoc stories have now been compiled elsewhere) and updated the access on a few others, so lower tiers can see them. I'm trying to move my Wattpad stuff to DevArt (nobody really seems to like using Wattpad, which I understand, it's a pretty obscure system) but DevArt wants me to convert everything to PDF, or use HTML coding to apply bolds and italics. Either option is hella annoying, but I'll keep working on it.

I'll also be starting on the $10 story of the month. Stay tuned!!


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