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Ah, Tumblr. Just couldn't stay away from those Applebucks, could you?

The great purge is over and it looks like most of my favorite artists/writers have migrated or disappeared. Damn shame. My blog at zaftigfics.tumblr.com is still up, but I'll likely be shutting it down eventually. I even tried changing my avatar and banner recently and it wouldn't take the changes--even with totally SFW images. What a bunch of morons.

Ah, well. It was nice while it lasted. I found some damn good porn there, and some truly talented people I'll never forget.


The OC piece is 99% done, it just needs some tweaking. 2B/Nier piece is still underway. I'll try and pop out more side pieces if I have time this holiday vacation--maybe some unrelated OC stuff. Hang in there, patrons.

Oh, and happy holidays. Wish you and yours all the best. Don't forget to eat dessert, heh heh heh...


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