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Hey everyone, January has been especially wild for us with Kyde's surgery (it went well!) so I'm going to get caught up with some posts we owe you over the next few days. Sorry it's all coming in rapidly this month, I really do intend to spread things out more but life keeps getting in the way. Anyways, here's the first post!

Here are a few full-resolution photos from Kyde's first full day exploring Hokkaido with me!

As always click on them to open a gallery with a bit of commentary under each photo.

Related video: https://youtu.be/_g0tUYA4moU

More on the way soon! Thanks as always.


Kyde catching up on some Yotsuba& before the day gets started.
It's fun to find these big harmless but amazing looking monsters in the wild.
Heck of a view of the local volcano. Also, it was raining at that moment, with the blue sky in patches. Was a cool moment.
We found a cool spot for some photos with the scooties.
Trying to decide on how to set things up to take some thumbnail photos.
getting things in order
clearly this is the right formation. Just don't drive off the cliff haha.
timer & tripod shots, and lots of them!
it can be fun to just hit the timer and not talk, just pick a position and see where everything lands.
of course sometimes you don't bother with the timer.
and sometimes you end up with kinda awkward moments like this hahaha.
or great moments like this!
or the thumbnail moments, like this.
She never agrees to pick me up.
Found a post office to send the postcards!
Nothing lightens Kyde's eyes quite like a landboat.
Moments before she realizes we forgot the "airmail" stamps on the postcards hahaah
It's always good when the bad man is so clearly labeled.
making friends with the local restaurant folks!
we are basically addicted to park golf. The lady who runs it was shocked at our young age more than our nationality.
Bold statement.
what kind of dog is that?!
They are kind of mangy critters, kind of magical.
Does this count as a foxy fox?
I'm just kind of shocked at the entire encounter and how chill it was.
Bit of a long exposure shot of a nice waterfall.
But a bit worried we don't have any bear protection.
Kyde taking a selfie with the nice sunset over the "unmanned" onsen!
The selfie!
The sunset!
Scootin' to the tent in some panties. Eric panties.



Best thing yous got each other. We know, money, is not a exploit, tool. How, exist without, have a serious thought.


Bugger, who this care, being. What call.