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Welcome to November, everyone! I say this every year, but if you want to visit the best season of Japan...late October until mid-December is the best time. The weather is incredible, to the degree it can be hard to stay inside and be productive sometimes, haha.

Here are the main videos from October:
Motorbiking Hokkaido! | Exploring Lake Onuma!
Motorbiking Hokkaido! | Cooking With The Earth!

Here is a little highlight from a livestream that needed to be documented:
Japanese Strawberry Curry Cider Soda (yes really)

This month's 'Us Watching Us' videos:
Us Watching Us | Ep49. Aqaba & Petra, Jordan
Us Watching Us | Ep50. Amman, Jordan
Us Watching Us | Ep51. Jerusalem, Israel
Us Watching Us | Ep.52 Jerusalem, The West Bank & Going Home

Here is a deep dive video I made about our livestreaming hardware:
our IRL streaming hardware | 2023

We were having a chat on Discord about how the focusing works on our camera so I made this video showing the process:
how to focus on a pig

What's coming up soon?
We have started to chat about a trip of some sort for the winter. There are a few options we are thinking of, but don't have anything quite nailed down yet. Might be another off-track part of Okinawa, might be Taiwan, might be Italy! Who knows!

We do think there will be a trip to The States sometime in 2024, but we aren't totally sure when yet.

We will also be able to *finally* ride on Scooty together December 1! We are headed to get Kyde a helmet later this month in preparation of that, and are very very excited for some two wheeled two person adventure.

In a more distant part of the future we are returning somewhere we went last year for a really cool festival...can anyone guess what it is?

Also....Kyde is having surgery in January! Nothing serious, but expect some videos talking about the experience of surgery in Japan.

Of course more videos from the Motorbiking Hokkaido series will continue to roll out...with a special guest in the second video of this November.

As always, thanks so much for your support here, without it this doesn't get to happen at all. Looking forward to sharing more adventures with you!

And don’t forget to check out all of the current photos taken and shared during livestreams here!

-Eric & Kyde




Just want to thank you again for all the work you do! you both bring a lot of joy to people's lives and I hope you know that. Looking forward to the upcoming adventures, and try not to worry about the surgery Kyde! you'll be just fine ❤️


I just got back from Japan, and I achieved my 20th prefecture that I set foot on there! I miss the weather already even though it hasn't even been a week yet since I got back! Most likely gonna go back next year to Japan! HAHAHA!


Nice! 20 prefectures is a lot, even for people who live here! Not sure what we are up to at this point. If it makes you feel any better about the weather it got pretty cold today and it's looking sorta miserable tomorrow being even colder and wetter haha. -E