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Here are a few full-resolution photos from the first night in the tent!

Click on them to open a gallery with a bit of commentary under each photo.

Related video: https://youtu.be/SWuZWpBvadU

More from Hokkaido on the way soon! Thanks as always.

-Eric & Kyde


I kinda have come to love these kinds of japanese inns and the sleeping situation. Even with the plastic filled pillows.
Does anyone else take a photo of their room number so you don't forget it? (i thought i had to leave my key with the front desk)
I didn't have to leave my key. So then I take a picture of where I put it so when I can't find it I can check my own photos lol.
First Hakodate meal must be the clown burgers.
me & tennis pros
Clown juice! Not the best.
I don't know why, but people on trips around Japan on motorbikes often have this little duck.
Speaking of people on trips around Japan, this guy is doing it with a cart and his feet. I found his IG a couple weeks later by coincidence.
Finally got to see the famous church! It's neat. Next time maybe I'll get to go inside.
Neat painted manhole.
This building looks especially cool, I love the colors.
Little touches like this squid on the fence are part of why Japan is so neat.
first squirrels and now we gotta watch out for frogs?! also, the road heating is broken down. also, there is road heating?!
cool view from a boring little island.
the neat building from afar.
hell of a name for a boat hahaha
this is a very literal translation of something you'd totally hear said in japanese and i love it.
scooty at the northern-most bullet train station!
bro what is that
i mean, can't leave it hanging.
i like these bottlecap arts you see in japan now and then.
it's been X days since a camper was eaten by a bear.
the lovely campsite when i arrived
i built a tent!
what a view!
the whole squad!
getting a timelapse i messed up the focus on hahahaha.
the moment the sun went down the fog came in.
this is a nice peaceful photo. i want to go back to this moment.



I always find it interesting when businesses in Japan have a bajillion flags and words plastered all over the front. Do they prefer it this way or do they also find it overkill??


I always take a picture of my room number. But I do travel a lot as a pilot so sometimes the room numbers all kinda mix mentally. Try to always take a picture of the room number. It’s come in handy multiple times. 😀


haha, i knew i wasn't the only one! I take pictures of all sorts of stuff, it's saved the day more than once. -E


I'm not sure why this happens haha, but I enjoy it as well. Japan is a land of contrasts as usual, somethings are super peaceful and quiet, somethings are visually screaming at you. -E