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Here are a few full-resolution photos from the first days of my journey around Hokkaido with Scooty!

Click on them to open a gallery with a bit of commentary under each photo.

Related video: https://youtu.be/cEacbXn2Xmc 

More from Hokkaido on the way soon! Thanks as always.



Stopped in a Ibaraki rice field to shoot the opening scene to the video series. It was absurdly hot, but take note of a clean Scooty.
Thinking of art for Scooty.....
The ferry terminal from above
You get an encyclopedia of paperwork to get on the ship.
Feels a bit like a biker gang when you load onto the ship.
Scooty floats on water!
I love they put up all the promo art before it was supposed to be shown, and then asked people not to take photos of it lol
Gotta wonder what this one piece tie-in cost...someone? The boat? The One Piece people? Who pays for this kinda thing?
Goodbye, Honshu!
Look at me. I'm the Capitan now.
My "tan" from one day of scooting haha. Oh boy.
Got some editing done in my little sleep slot.
Recently I have really been into croissants. I gotta find the best ones in Tokyo soon.
This is where I store the camera and stuff in my backpack.
We have arrived in Hokkaido! Right before I got yelled at by the staff.
Gotta stop if you see a dino haha.
The little island in Lake Toya Kyde and I hiked last time we were in Hokkaido.
Squirrel crossing! Haha.
Long drive, but I made it to Hakodate.
As always, check the manholes for cool designs.



Love the little blurb on each photo 😊 Damn that is a hench dino


i had to look up what a hench dino was and it landed me here and i love it haha https://dinosaucers.fandom.com/wiki/The_Fat_Dino's_Hench-a-saurs