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Guys, spring is almost here. I'm stoked. I have so much I want to do this spring and summer, hoping to bring to you guys via videos and streams.

Anyways, this is a post about winter not spring! A fun thing that happened in February was I traded in a bunch of old camera gear (and money haha) for a new lens to do macro photography with! Image above related! It's made the photo portion of live-streaming fun from a totally new perspective. Now I want more lenses, it's sort of a problem. Speaking of, don't forget to check out all the photos I take on stream. You know, if that's your thing anyways haha. https://kydeanderic.com/IRLPix

I also built some hardware to help out with bike livestreams, see below for a little video about that.

We also made our way through all of the "China" portion during "us watching us" and that was...interesting to see again, haha. Still not trying to plan a return trip.

And of course we posted more videos from our Okinawa trip filmed over the winter holiday! Speaking of those:

Here are the videos from February!
Our Last Hours on a Tiny Japanese Island (in Japan!)
Exploring Japan's Miyako Island on Foot (in Japan!) 

This month's 'Us Watching Us' videos
Ep.25: Hong Kong
Ep.26: Macau, Guangzhou & Hangzhou China
Ep.27: Shang Hai & Beijing, China

This month’s “Highlight” video (i need to post more of these haha)
Japan's Concrete Tour of the World

Oh, here is a video of some over the top streaming stuffs I built this month for bike streams.
belabox hamster cage 

Regarding the future plans!

I have *so* much I want to do. I just don't have the time to do all the things, haha. But on the list are more photo streams, more cycling trips ( I want to go to Yokohama one weekend and stream it), buying a motorbike and making videos using it as the transport method...the list really goes on and on for my ideas. I'm afraid to say things outloud and then not be able to get them together, haha.

One thing that will happen for sure is we are working out a trip during Kyde's school break at the end of the month. If we can get the time/finances lined up it might be our first international trip since covid happened, but we haven't locked anything down yet so don't hold us to it!

As usual, thanks for your support here, without it we wouldn't be doing any of these things, haha.

-Eric & Kyde



Carly Medosch

Y'all are going to leave as soon as I finally get to Japan.