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Hey everyone, as you may know Kyde is spending some time in The States with her family this winter and as they happen to live somewhat close to D.C. she took the opportunity to check out Trunp's Inauguration. Hope you guys enjoy Kyde's perspective of the event, I sure had a good time editing it. Makes me wonder if The States is the same country we left back in 2009. Pretty wild stuff. Stay safe, everyone. -E


Kyde in The States: Trump's Inauguration | January 20, 2017

Kyde is spending a few months in The States with her family and she was able to visit DC for the Inauguration. Crazy times!



I agree with some other posters and think it was so good to see a video regarding the inauguration that wasn't biased one way or the other. I thought Kyde did a fantastic job with the shots and commentary!


I have an end card question for Kyde. Aside from visiting family and friends, what sorts of things are you looking forward to eating, drinking, or doing while you are back in America?