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Hey guys, as you see this we are headed out the door to Borneo. If everything goes smooth with Patreon's sceduling feature and Youtube not being crazy you should still be seeing weekly videos while we are out shooting the new series. Anyways, enjoy this one chronicling my mission to avoid being caught out in a typhoon. I'm not a sunny weather girl, apparently. -Eric


Eric Hitchhikes to Hokkaido | Part 10 of ? - To The Wilderness! | Summer 2016

A typhoon is coming!? Hide!



"I'm going to do it.......I'm going to eat my pillow". You've done it again Eric. Another sentence that has never previously been uttered in human history.


Thanks guys. That was a way better (and longer) answer to my question than I was expecting. Totally agree about foreign travel making you more aware that your own idea of "normal" isn't necessarily the way other people do things.