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Wes Anderson is one of our absolute favorite directors as he can even make something as silly as an advertizement whimsical and distinct. He recently made a cute commercial for H&M and I noticed they had it playing on the huge screens above Shibuya crossing this week. 

If you are interested, here is the official cut of the commercial: https://youtu.be/VDinoNRC49c

Do you like Wes' films too? What is your favorite? Mine is without a doubt The Grand Budapest Hotel and Kyde's is Fantastic Mr. Fox. But you really can't go wrong with any of them.

By the way, I don't mean to be advertizing for Wes Anderson or H&M here, I just genuinley enjoy his work. Hahaha. -Eric


Wes Anderson H&M Commercial in Shibuya, Japan

like wow.



Moonride Kingdom fan myself!


Wouldn't know Wes Anderson from a bar of soap but just had a look at the full commercial - fantastic!!!!