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Hey guys, I'm going to try and make a post after each month rounding up all the videos we posted in the past month or so in case you missed any. I'll also try to give an idea of what is coming up! As always, these videos are all directly due to your support here, thanks so much for being a part of our project! 

Posted in October: 

Eric Hitching to Hokkaido (Part 5) - https://youtu.be/Aug3UtQnOqs 

Five of our Favourite Moments!! - https://youtu.be/VhOXCdT4APQ 

Seoul (Part 2) - https://youtu.be/G5w_2ci1vR4 

Eric Hitching to Hokkaido (Part 6) - https://youtu.be/PoJ6pt7m5p8  

Lotteria Japan's Halloween Burgers - https://youtu.be/MCTL-eb2DXc 

 Coming in the future: 

-A ton of Hokkaido footage (from actual Hokkaido! hahaha) 

-A video about a boat race we went to in Toda (editing now) 

-Seoul Part 3 

-A new Tokyo Ward video about Chuo Ku (probably live in December) 

-We are going to shoot a series in Borneo in mid-December 

