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I look at this stuff like twice a year and every time I'm reminded that even though our channel is a small fish in the Youtube pond it still involves numbers too big to comprehend. Thanks for being a part of this fun. -Eric




That must feel pretty humbling I imagine, I don't think I just speak for myself when I say this though, I really do not think there are any other channels of this travelog/vlog style that really make you feel part of the journey. I really do enjoy watching your videos in the same way I watch TV shows, you guys give a great perspective on things that people can relate to and a much more real picture of the places you go. I have always been surprised that you guys have not been picked up by someone like Discovery Digital for travel, I really hope your patreon base grows to the point of allowing both of you to do this full time without any financial concerns. It would be great to see you guys get some better monitization (no idea how to spell that) and deals, I really don't think it would detract from your experience or ours if you did because your core content is so good, maybe stop eating goats though, maybe... How is the subscriber growth going recently out of interest?


Thanks so much, Anthony! Really love hearing we are able to make people feel like they have come along with us on our adventures. I think we are fall too small to even show up on the radar of places like Discovery Digital. And even if we did I'm not sure we'd be good at making content they'd be comfortable sharing with their audience, hahaa. The mysteries of Youtube's subscriber system is hard to understand, but while we seem to always be gaining subscribers recently it seems to be at a slower rate than it had been. Its all about how many viewers Youtube wants to throw our direction via "suggested videos." I think our super long videos work against us in that way, to be honest. Youtube prefers much shorter videos so they can get more ads displayed, clearly. I've considered putting ads in the middle of videos not to gain more money for us (it would be bearly noticible) but maybe to help sway Youtube towards suggesting our videos to more people. But on the other hand, ads are annoying.


I like the fact that Kyde & Eric march to their own drummer. What they do is offbeat and unique, and that's what makes them special in this genre. I think Eric's instincts are right about this. If they hooked up with a bigger company the potential downsides are real. There are other good travel vloggers out there, but I always look forward to getting a new notification that Kyde & Eric have posted something. They are my favs. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. On the other hand, if Discovery offered you guys a million dollars to do a show, I wouldn't get up on my moral high horse and blame you for doing what is in your best interest. I think Kyde wants a zamboni, and they don't come cheap!


Hahahaha, yea if someone comes and waggles a million dollars at me I'ma sell out pretty fast. That's a lot of gummy bears. Real talk, haha. -E