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Direct: https://youtu.be/gwU6y1in3q4

Hey everyone, this isn't a "normal" video of ours, but sometimes I like to make videos about tech we use for people who may find it interesting or helpful. Here's one of those videos. It's just yammering on about wireless mics for 20 minutes, don't consider this required watching. That said, I thought I'd share it here in case anyone is interested.



DJI Wireless Mics for Livestreaming? One gnarly problem! 🤯

ok, the problem isn't super gnarly, but it could be better. Follow my real youtube channel: youtube.com/kydeanderic and slap whatup on Twitch: http://twitch.tv/kydeanderic #dji #technology #livestream



Glad you were able to finally get them. You might need to get some gaffer tape to cover the light (street photographer trick) and you can use it to properly secure plugs etc. Gaffer tape leaves no residue when you take it off. Also, google hot shoe adapters. There are so many out there that you should be able to find something that you can use on the receiver to connect it to the gopro.


The connection point on the receiver isn't a standard sized thing, its something they made custom. In fact, the exact point I worried about failed, fell off the gopro and cracked the screen on the receiver the second time I used it! Hahhaa, really poor design on that. It all still works though, thankfully. -E