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Hi everyone. It's May! April had us still (forever!?) busy with house stuff in addition to our normal activities. But I got something really cool accomplished, I setup a way to display my shirt collection on the wall in my office as you can see above. I've dreamed of this for years and now that we can screw things into the walls I made it a thing!

Other than that we filmed a trip over my birthday down in Nagoya which will be coming your way soon, probably later in May as we have one other video from Tachikawa to get your way first.

I have also been working towards getting IRL (outside walking around) live-streaming going on Twitch. This has been a *huuuuge* project that I'm multiple months into and it's still not as smooth as I'd like, so I'm going to go out and get a top tier (ie expensive lol) data service in a week or so to see if that finally solves the last piece. It's a ton of fun to stream when it goes well so I'm sort of addicted to getting it working.

In related news I also bought a bike! One that actually fits me! I get to pick it up on the 11th and if everything goes smooth (I give it a 50% chance) I'll be live-streaming the maiden voyage with it from Roppongi back to Tachikawa. We'll see!

Oh, we are also headed to southern Hokkaido for a few days on Tuesday. Maybe we will find my wallet! (joke) lol.

Ok here are the videos from April!
Let's go to Hyogo, Japan! (and explore an abandoned train line)
Japan's Worst Castle?! in Hyogo Japan

This month’s “Youtube Shorts”
Baby feeding Capsule in a Japanese Train Station

This month’s “Highlight” videos

Japan's Most Dangerous Jungle Gym! 

And a bonus video not in our "usual" series
Our Living Room Livestream Setup 

In this month's that stupid castle really sticks out as the most memorable even if it was totally a waste of a day hahaha. I guess it wasn't such a waste. Were there any moments in this month's videos that stuck out to you? Let us know in the comments!

Oh, in other (kinda not public but sorta public) news Kyde is in the process of quitting her job. We will have more to say about it at some point, but just be happy for her, she *needs* to be in a new place. The support we have here allows us to get her into a position she can find a new job without too much drama, so as always it's incredibly appreciated. We are looking forward to keep bringing everyone videos! 

-Eric & Kyde




Thanks for the update, looking forward to enjoying your latest videos. The wall is sick Eric, what a neat idea. Best wishes Kyde - as someone going through the same process as you, I hope you land somewhere you feel good about. Thinking about our well-being is incredibly important.

Michelle Mundling

I see your t-shirt for Gwar, and I have to share this: I had first heard about Gwar from Beavis and Butthead. I thought the band was made up and didn't really exist. It wasn't until I found your channel and you wore the t-shirt that I realized I was wrong. Oops! 😳


Hahahahah, nice. GWAR is a trip, one of our favorite things ever is seeing GWAR live. -E


If you are looking for a new gig good luck! It's stressful but hopefully also fruitful! -E