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Hi everyone, we moved! Of course we are still in Japan and technically we are still in Tokyo but it's a vastly different vibe to say the least, haha. Kyde can see a farmer from her office window, let's put it that way. Anyways, more will be coming from all of this sometime soon~ish (later than soon, probably) as we really want to share everything with a lot of detail about the hows whys, costs, etc and we want to get everything complied properly as well as getting settled in to a degree before we jump into that. But it *will* be a thing!

Ok, that out of the way you may have noticed February's videos came out at weird times. It was just due to the move, we will be back on a more regular schedule once again.

In February we posted two videos about our visit to Tottori. I was pretty excited to share each of them as the dunes and that hike in the second one were things I had been wanting to share since we filmed them in December. Hopefully you enjoyed them too!

Exploring Japan's Sand Dunes (and more!) in Tottori!
A Dangerous Rainy Hike in Japanese Paper Sandals (and more!) | Tottori, Japan

And we also did a little livestream of the house the night we moved in, check it out if you are curious what the new place looks like. It was over on our other channel, sub there if you don't mind, livestreams there are a thing I want to do more of.

We got a house.

Thanks as always for your support, it's meant even more than usual to us as we make these big life changes. More from Tottori and beyond on the way!

-Eric & Kyde




Do you guys miss the Golden poo?


Haha, honestly haven't had a moment to process that kind of thing. Check in after a year and we will see how we feel then, haha. -E