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....looking like the entire series will be 8 parts. 

Of course we also have the Okinawa series coming, and will be going to shoot a weekend in Seoul soon!

Oh....and tomorrow we are going to Pony races! Hopefully we will get some footage from that too!  




Cool and by the way my mom and I are fans of yours and we were just here we watching the round the world trip and Eric you said something about a bull knocking you into a water tank have you ever talked about that?


More than 12 hours of edited material! :o - Again I have to raise my hat to you guys for sharing your experiences. Thanks for all the hard work.


Thanks so much! It is a lot of work editing, but when I think about the time I put into it verses the collective time people are enjoying the final product it's more than worth it! Thanks for being part of that collective time of enjoyment! -E


HAhaha, sure have! <a href="https://youtu.be/oB6pa_1sVic?t=27m45s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/oB6pa_1sVic?t=27m45s</a>