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Hey everyone, it's December! November was a pretty fun month for us, I spent a lot of time getting to know the new camera through filming a few things we posted and a whole lot of little things I made just to test and promptly deleted afterwards to save space, hahaha.

I've also started to actually focus on taking photos with it, something I've never really worked on before. I enjoy taking photos regarding framing and such, but never really learned proper exposure techniques and such, so that's been fun to play with. The tree up above is a shot I got a couple nights ago on the grounds of Asakusa Shrine.

Anyways, enough about the camera! Haha. Here are the videos we posted this month in case you missed any:

Ishikawa, Japan | Exploring the Northern Bit!

We got a new camera!

Super Mario Stamp Rally in Tokyo!

DIY at a Japanese Home Improvement Store!

Did you have any favorite moments this month? In general the Stamp Rally sticks out as a ton of fun to me, it was just a really good day in general.

Coming (very) soon is the start of the series of videos we shot on Sado Island in mid-November. We don't have anything else in the pipeline as far as already shot so we will likely be out filming more this month. Now to think of someplace fun to check out.......

Hope everyone is having a safe and pleasant fall or spring depending on where you are. Thanks to everyone for their continued support here!

-Eric (& Kyde)




Awesome photo! Love the moon with the colours of the tree & light around the tree 😊


Thanks! The earth did most of the work, but I'll take partial credit. haha. -E


You recently posted a couple of videos talking about how you hoped to visit Kanazawa (the city). We highly recommend it! If you do go, the number one thing we suggest checking out is the local Kanazawa style curry. It is Matthew’s favorite style of curry. While you can find it in Tokyo at Go Go Curry, if you are in Kanazawa, this mom & pop place was far better. Actually it was more of a mom & mom & mom place, because you got the sense that it was just a bunch of moms working behind the tiny counter. We recommend getting the curry with all the meats, as they all got cooked in the fryer. Pork cutlet? In the fryer. Hamburg steak? In the fryer? Sausuage? In the fryer. It was one of the best curries ever! Google “Turban Curry Kanazawa” and it should be on Hyakumangoku Dori, right in the middle of everything. (I tried to include a link, but it might have caused my post to fail)


Hahaha, you sold me. I'm adding it to my google maps "want to go" list, hopefully if we are there I will remember to check it. Sounds awesome. -E