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Hey guys, we are on our way to Sado island for three days. If you'd like to follow along (spoilers included!) keep an eye on our Instagram Stories.


Eventually there will be a video series as well, of course! Hope everyone is having a good weekend once it arrives for you.





Have fun and stay safe. Try to check out the Noh theater scene if you can. I hear it is quite unique at Sado Island.


Hi Kyde and Eric. I’m ashamed to say that I don’t give you much feedback on your content, but i can assure you that I love all your vids. You two are always entertaining and great fun 😀 I always look forward to eagerly devouring anything you post. Keep up the good work 👍 Looking forward to seeing how your new camera performs, I was really happy that the community came together to support you. Thoroughly deserved.


I had read a lot about Noh before we went but somehow we didn't see anything about it while we were there! -E


Hi Robert, Thanks for the kind words! Really glad you are enjoying what we are making, excited to share more with you. By the way, from what I've seen so far the new camera is amazing looking, it's going to be a upgrade for everyone's eyes. -E