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 Here are some high res copies of photos we took during the final days of our time in Hawaii and a few from our brief stop in Osaka.

Click on them to open a gallery with a bit of commentary under each photo.     

Here is the video in case you missed it: https://youtu.be/r-W-D0I1pwQ

Our series from Hawaii is finished, but we got a bunch from Japan on the way soon!


Just swinging by the courthouse, as one does on vacation.
These trees never get old.
Not a friendly kitty, a suspicious kitty.
Rad mermaid cave.
...bit small though.
Don't look at the girls, ya'll.
As an experiment we used a saucier thumbnail than usual. Just curious if it will actually drive more traffic on Youtube. Science, ya'll.
Donkey. Hahhaa.
Stumbled across a really nice swing on the side of a mountain.
Killer sunset view.
I wonder how cops react to this when they inevitably pull her over.
Bit surprised this laundrymat hasn't burnt down.
It's not many things we crave from The States, but Arby's was on the list to hit, which we did at the last possible minute.
A Japanese take on Hawaiian food in Hawaii. I ordered in Japanese. This is a bit mind bending.
Our traditional Star Wars movie viewing while abroad.
Some how we ended up at Panda Express. The portion was absurdly huge, we shared it and left stuffed.
No comment.
Kyde napping on a battleship.
Neat chopper.
Kind of a lame VR experience.
Eric does not fit in submarines.
Back in the city, that's a dude peeing on a trashcan.
Just a reminder of how awesome the view from our (horrible) hotel room was.
This is what the view looks like when Kyde hasn't taken an hour to fix the broken blinds, however.
Motionless elevators.
Due to all the Japanese tourism there is a TON of omiyage aimed at them. But these are 100% sold in Japan so...uh?
Headed home.
The view from the plane wasn't too bad at all. Check out the moon.
First meal back in Japan!
We spent a day hanging out in Osaka before headed back to Tokyo.
There is a pinball arcade in Osaka we checked out again, surprised to find this rare machine themed after one of Eric's favorite bands.
Almost home.
What it takes to make a Hawaii series. Thanks for coming along with us!



I always dig these follow up pics. The one with the car sign "Fear for your life, I'm a crazy senior citizen asian female driver" had me cracking up. Lol


Glad you dig them, I like sharing them too. I wonder how often that lady gets pulled over, haha. -E