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(direct link: https://youtu.be/HG_turv-bgY )

Discussing the last bit of The Big Island!

Related video here: https://youtu.be/ImhiCuW4cgs


Patreon Discussion Video | Volcanoes! Galaxies! Protests! Breakfast! on The Big Island of Hawaii

Thanks everyone!





We were in Tokyo 3 years ago. We expected high prices and for things like the hotel, a day at Disney Sea and visiting some of the destinations, they were as we expected. We didn't really eat at restaurants but would get prepared food at the grocery a block away which was amazing good and quite inexpensive. We also had breakfast included at our hotel so we'd eat late and eat lots so we would be good until supper with the aid of some snacks from 7-11 or other convenience stores. We were only there for 4 days unfortunately but we were fitting 3 cities (Tokyo, Taipei, and Hong Kong) into 2 weeks. We found that the people were helpful and in one case when we emerged from a subway station and I was trying to get my bearings, a lady came up and in excellent English asked if we need help. In all the other cases, mostly when purchasing stuff, we managed to get around the language bearer with a lot of patience on their part and what seem like a genuine desire to help. We would love to go back to Japan for a much longer period and explore some of the other cities like Kyoto, Osaka, and Hiroshima. Maybe in a year or two if we survive the current apocalypse.


Yea, I hope you can explore more of Japan too! Tokyo and Japan are almost distinctly different places, haha. Not that either is better or worse than the other, just they are very different experiences. -E