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Welp. The world is kinda in a weird place right now. Really happy we have a bit of a backlog of videos to share with people, hope they have kept you entertained for the time being. Here is everything we posted in our somewhat hectic March:

Volcanoes! Galaxies! Protests! Breakfast! (on The Big Island of Hawaii)

Kyde & Her Dad go to West Virginia

Kyde's Return & The Current State of Japan

(Our First Days on) The Island of Kauai, Hawaii

Moving forward we still have a handful of Hawaii videos to share, but we usually fill in weeks between long videos with shorter videos filmed around Japan or wherever we happen to be. This has suddenly become tricky with the somewhat lax request by the local government to try to avoid contact with others so I'm not too sure what we are going to do. We have a few ideas of things to share we can film in our apartment, but honestly that's not our favorite way to make videos in most cases. We have also considered just taking walks around the area we live and filming little walking tour videos we could make while maintaining safe distances from others.

We are also planning to do a Youtube livestream soon, probably on Saturday April 11th AM Japan time. Maybe the 12th instead, depending on what kind of feedback I get. I need to make sure the technical aspect still works and Youtube didn't change something that will stop us, so don't mark your calendars quite yet, but hopefully it'll work seamlessly. I'll announce an official time here, there and everywhere once I have it sorted out.

Stay safe everyone.




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